Saturday, April 13, 2013

Just another day in paradise

Well maybe not so much paradise, I don't think I did my injection site right this time for my shot. I spent half the week in pain and nauseous. It has not been fun. One day I will get this right. Till then just keep on smiling.

I never actually finished this post. But the week pass I never got any better and now I'm still doing really bad. I had to go call my doctor today and he mentioned that I may have to go to the ER I don't like that. I'm just going to suck it up until the morning. After all I have a date tonight. I have to go do that and put smile on my face. Can't let this thing beat me.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Longtime no see

I know it is been a while since the last time that I have blogged. It's just been a long hard couple of months. I find it very hard to put my feelings together and I don't know what I'm feeling half the time. But I do know that things are improving, and that pain level is manageable. The doctors of put meon a new medication that really does help. Yeah I have to take a shot once a week and my leg but things could be worse.

I guess you could say I still have issues with headaches though I have to taking preventative medication but it doesn't seem to help much these days. But I'm different note, I got a new phone. I don't use the old conker anymore and well now I'm actually going into the smarty smart phone. No more dumb phone.