I know its been sometime since I have posted anything, but a lot has gone on for me. Since I last posted I have seen more doctors about my RA the one being a Neurologist. I have spent the past month adjusting to more medications to help relive the pain in my head that is associated to RA and now that I am finally able to cope I am back to the blog.
Things have not been super easy for me on top of that, I lost Cam last month to a fear of commitment it would appear in my eyes. He may have other things to say, but what it boils down to is I was ready to move on with the relationship and he could not. I have been dumped before but nothing hurt quit as bad as this. I seriously felt like he was my other half. Everything made since when I was with him. It's taken some time and a some milk and cookies with the girls to help me through. Now its time to build up friendship with Cam again. I may not be able to date him, but gosh, he has some of the best board games ever and I love going to group activities in which he is part of the entertainment. I have made friends with ex's before. I can do it again.
Yea that about sums it up. It was the last thing I had to do today and when I decided it was going to be boring and no one wanted to join me for a late night Laundry boogie (what I will now call hanging out with friends at my place while clothing is in the wash) I decided I had the day off monday and there is LOADs (huh huh see what I did there teehheee) of time. Now I am just chillin the night away with my compy wasting time.
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