I am finally starting to feel better from this outbreak. I am not totally better of course... things have not really gotten better for me. Apparently my condition was not under control enough and was put on more medications this week. I am up to 3 pills in the morning and 4 at night with the exception of Sunday mornings where i take six pills... And then when I hurt a lot I have my pain killer (midrin for those who want to know how I handle the pain) and my arthritic cream which I can use at any time. I am starting to look like a drug store. I never would have thought I would be living my life like this when I was a kid. Now I can't go a day without using hand sanitizer (which is kept in my purse) and washing my hands just trying to make sure I don't get sick. Its sad that I am starting to realize that the medications that are ment to help me feel better, also can make me sicker... They weaken my already troubled immune system and make me more capable of getting sick. Not only do I have to live life with pain in joints and other stiffness.... I will also start to worry about liver and kidney problems. Well if I am careful I should be okay.
I have good Faith on my side. I know I can get through this, and I know I don't suffer alone. I have a testimony in Jesus Christ and that he suffered my afflictions and pains and knows what I feel. I also know that I have a friend (who's name happens to be Rachelle as well) Who suffers along side with me with a similar problem with Fibromyaligia. She to has a blog (and tends to keep at it better then I) that explains the hardships of living with this life long tribulation and its amazing to see how strong she is. She is Married and has 4 kids and is still living her life with a smile on her face as best as she can. I know how hard it is to move some mornings and I can't imagine it to be any easier with little ones running around.
I got to spend time with Cameron this week because he is going back to visit his family again this week for Thanksgiving. I wanted to spend as much time with him in the evenings as I could and I enjoyed it. Now I have to get ready for bed to take him to the airport in the morning. Thank goodness I am tired most of the time, should make going to bed early a breeze!
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