I was finally starting to feel better then all of the sudden out of no where my headache came back. Sundays are already hard enough for me trying to get ready. Most mornings when I don't have a flare up, I can get ready in about an 2 hours. Today though I over slept and had only 30 minutes WITH THE RA HEADACHE.
I have to be at Church about 30 minutes early as well to open up the meeting house Library. I am the Librarian for the church building and need to be around that early. Lets just say having to deal with people while wanting to just keep a heated rice sock on ones head is not the idea of fun. It was taking all I could muster to not fall over from the pain.
The most annoying thing though about the pain is when someone who doesn't have RA thinks they know everything thing about head pain and just keeps on giving tips. I know your trying to help, but nothing stops the pain. Midrin dulls it some but it doesn't kick it. I have tried raping my feet in a heated pad to decrease circulation in my head and move it to my feet. I have tried every pain killer, pill and topical and even tried meditation at one point in time. Direct pressure is the only relief for me and I can't go around all day with my hand on my head so I just have to deal.
I know having headaches this bad is not good, for people who say I should see a dr about it. NO Duh... I wonder how many visits it takes to say. "Well nothing really can be done, you have an incurable disorder, here are some drugs to help make it no so bad for the rest of our life. Be careful though they may hurt your liver in the process or hinder your ability to have children one day." I want kids, I don't want to mess that up. I figure if I can live through the pain I will be blessed for it. But don't go saying that I should do this or that.... Unless you have RA or some other Autoimmune illness I don't really want to hear tips anymore. I know your trying to help... but its just more annoying now.
Good news! Cams home!
1 comment:
Love you Rachelle, this is a great informational blog and you can let the frustration out too. I look forward to reading more. Watch out <> coming your way.
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